Why Is Fast Fashion Bad For the Environment?

Maariaa Jordan
4 min readAug 17, 2021


Why is it bad for the environment? The environmental impact of many aspects of modern life can be quite terrible. Think plastic bags, disposable plastic food and non-biodegradable cosmetics, etc. How much impact do these things have on the environment? And what exactly are we to do about it? Let’s look at a few reasons:

Fast fashion has become very popular lately. Many people like to wear clothes that are trendy or that catch their fancy. This often means that sustainable clothes are made in factories with no regard for the quality of the clothes that are produced. As a result, they’re made to break easily, which often causes them to be discarded or recycled rather quickly.


Many young people like to dress up according to trends. When the fashion fad comes around, they want to be seen wearing that trend. Unfortunately, this often means that they end up wearing clothes that are cheaply made and that are damaging to the environment. Many children wear clothing that is non-biodegradable. These materials will often find their way into landfills after they are worn.


Most fashion items are often bought in large numbers. This means that many people buy a lot of things that they need just to be in style. This leads to the issue of discarded clothes and other waste, which have a negative effect on the local area where it was produced. It can also damage the ecosystem by polluting the soil with harmful chemicals.

There are many people that have to wear face masks when they work. This creates a serious health hazard. Also, it causes a lot of pollution in the area because the hazardous fumes have to be outside in the open. In addition, many people are allergic to the chemicals used during production.

Hazardous Materials

Some of the products that are produced in countries such as China are considered to be dangerous for the environment because they are manufactured using hazardous materials. They use glue for their contacts. This contains Bismuth Oxychloride, which is a carcinogen. Many of the pesticides used are also dangerous for the environment. Fast fashion has certainly contributed to the problem in these respects.

Reason for fast fashion is bad for environment

Another reason why fast fashion is bad for the environment is because of the way it is produced. Animals are used for animal clothing. They are fed hormones and pesticides in order to make them grow faster. This causes many people to suffer from diseases that are related to these conditions.


In conclusion, it can be concluded that fast fashion is harmful for the environment. Even though most people think that the damage it causes is limited to the clothing made, the damage is greater still. Clothing needs to be replaced on a regular basis. Plastic is becoming more common in our lives. We must remember that plastic is not a renewable resource.

It can be said that the damages caused by it will be with us for a very long time. Therefore, it is important to act now to protect the environment. Our current economy is causing a great deal of harm to the environment. The only way to stop this is to start making changes. We must come together and make changes today.

It is possible to have sustainable fashion. Sustainable fashion products include organic clothing. Organic clothing reduces the levels of chemicals used and minimizes the harm to the environment. This is possible if the manufacturers produce clothing using biodegradable materials and reduce the amount of pesticides used.

Organic And Biodegradable Resources

It is possible to sustain the environment by choosing the sustainable, fast fashion products. By choosing fast fashion from organic and biodegradable resources you are helping to reduce the harm being done to the environment. You are also reducing the amount of harmful products being used in the world. Fast fashion is harmful not just to the earth, but to the consumers who are continually exposing themselves to harmful chemicals in the name of fashion. There is no reason to wear these harmful fashions any longer.

Why is fast fashion bad for the environment? The simple answer is that we are doing more damage to our planet than we would ever think possible. We all need to do something about this, and fast fashion is certainly not the answer. Start wearing organic and sustainable clothing and you can do so much to help protect the environment.



Maariaa Jordan

Dzihic is an online Ethical fashion brand provides 100% cotton T-Shirt for mens and women in UK.